12th Biennial Maine Domestic Violence Homicide Review Panel Report Now Available

On Tuesday, October 9th, MCEDV gathered with community partners, including representatives from the Attorney General’s office, law enforcement, and surviving family members to announce the release of the 12th Report of the Maine Domestic Violence Homicide Review Panel. The Report, produced through the Attorney General’s Office, focuses on identifying specific ways in which systems and…

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Statewide Events for Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2018

Each year, our member Domestic Violence Resource Centers throughout Maine host events, campaigns, and vigils during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We have compiled a list of events happening throughout the state. Find it here. Note The list is subject to change. Be sure to connect with your local Domestic Violence Resource Center on social media…

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Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2018: Tell Us Why YOU Take Action

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Since 1987, when the first Domestic Violence Awarness Month was observed, we have accomplished so much by raising awareness by getting people to understand and acknowledge that domestic violence is a serious problem for our communities. In 2018, it is time to evolve our approach. It is time to…

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MCEDV Statement re: Sexual Assault Allegations Against Judge Brett Kavanaugh

Too often, the possibility that a powerful figure has committed sexual assault or domestic abuse is considered less important than the position that individual holds and the value they bring to their position. This dynamic has for centuries kept victims isolated and silent, resulting in the punishment of those who do speak out. We offer…

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MCEDV Public Statement about the Release of the Violence Against Women Act

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas introduced the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2018. The Violence Against Women Act first passed with bipartisan support in 1994. Since then, each iteration has included important improvements that expand the safety net for survivors with the range of crimes covered by the law, including domestic abuse, dating…

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Join Take Action Maine for Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month

Are you someone who cares about young people? Maybe you are a parent, coach, teacher, faith leader, or policy maker. Are you a young person yourself? Whoever you are, this Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month tells us why you care about ending teen dating abuse, and why you take action to foster healthy…

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MCEDV Statement on Homicides: “We Must Do More”

The first weeks of 2018 have already brought news of two domestic violence homicides in Maine. On January 10th in Temple, a small town in Franklin County, Thomas Masse allegedly killed his wife, Michelle, then himself. This week, Anthony Leng was arrested and charged with murdering Sokha Khoun on January 7 in the home they…

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